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Writing on Glass
Lotus Flower

Founded in 2016, Social Innovation Lab (SIL) began as an idea to fuse innovative, research-driven practices and the non-profit format, with the end goal being to improve social programs that benefit disenfranchised and at-risk populations.

Cute Girl Eating Apple
That pop up restaurant logo

That Pop-Up Restaurant

Combating Food Scarcity

That Pop-Up Restaurant (TPUR) is just how it sounds - We pop up to offer free meals to youth and families! When school is out for the summer, many children miss out on at least one guaranteed meal during the day. We operate during the summer months to bridge this gap and ensure that no child goes hungry at home. Our mobile food pantry program provides quality and nutritionally balanced options that not only taste great but is also served in an environment free of social stigmas that are typically associated with food pantries. 

Better futures projects logo

Better Futures Projects

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

The federally funded Better Futures Projects (BFP) work with Family and Consumer Science teachers in Kansas and Oklahoma classrooms. With a focus on bringing quality curriculum to under-resourced schools in rural areas, the BFP have reached nearly 3,000 students across the region with evidence-based programs that help youth have the best start to their adult lives as possible.

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This website was made possible by Funding Opportunity Number
HHS-2024-ACF-ACYF-TS-0040 or HHS-2023-ACF-ACYF-TS-0037 from the Department of Health and
Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Its contents are solely the responsibility of
Social Innovation Laboratory and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health
and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.

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